Wednesday 1 April 2015

Guide to treating and eliminating body Tattoos

Guide to treating and eliminating body Tattoos
Dr Rochelle Skin Expert

Tattoos now has become a Dr Rochelle Skin Expert trend and lifestyle, not a few who assume that the tattoo artwork in which one person would describe his own, or his identity to tubunnya.
The tattoo itself from stab wounds, which were made in the skin and so given ink.
Tattoos are created by inserting a needle into the skin and then put ink into the region.
Who created the tattoo is so durable, that is because the ink is not included into the epidermis (top layer of skin that, not infrequently peeling and produced longer lifetime). So if you as well as any person who intends to make creating a body tattoo, Better watch some time ago regarding the following:

* Side Effects Tattoo

1. Skin infections
Creating a body tattoos will also lead to local bacterial infections in the body that made the tattoo. Symptoms of infection that is felt when walking is redness, swelling and pain as well the presence of pus in the tattoo room is located.

2. Allergic reactions
Dye required for tattoos, especially the red color could cause allergic reactions on the skin. The result can be itching in the room who was tattooed body. This factor can even happen when so many years after the body tattoos made.

3. other skin problems
Sometimes lumps labeled with granulomas may arise in setira room antecedent body tattoo with colors, especially red. Creating tattoos can also bring up the growth of surrounding tissue with tattoos who called keloids.

4. Infectious diseases
If the equipment that functioned for creating a tattoo is contaminated with infected blood disease, so that the disease could also enter the blood. Diseases which can be transmitted through blood, among others, are hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, HIV infection which will also cause AIDS.

5. Complications when MRI
Although rarely lasts, tattoos or permanent makeup could cause burning or swelling when done together sensors MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Against many cases, the tattoo pigment will affect the image quality of the resultant time MRI.
If you have an allergic reaction, dermatitis or other skin problems, you should consult a doctor For redress that fit. Against many cases, even functioned tattoo removal procedure.

* Tattoo After Care body

Vicarious treatment after undergoing body tattoos implementation will vary, depending on the category and extensive tattoo freehand. However there is a standard of care that could be done sesuah create body tattoos,:
• Change the bandage after 24 hours. Apply antibiotic ointment to the skin which in the tattoo to heal.
• Keep agat location antecedent body tattoo clean consistent with the trick of cleaning the skin with soap and water together trick patted dry also do not rub.
• pobud use skin moisturizer. Apply moisturizer to the skin at the location of the tattoo that many times a day.
• Avoid exposure to sunlight. Protect the space that was tattooed from sunlight at least when so many weeks.
• Allow the skin where the tattoo area roughly For dikala recover at least 2 weeks. Do not unplug the resale wound Until that dries (scab) that there is, because infection could increase the impact of any damage freehand drawings and able to bring resale wound.
Eliminate Body Tattoos
Tattoo removal with laser procedures most will require many visits, along with every visit just need a time when so many minutes. Similarly anesthesia will be used or not, depending on their needs.

Trick tattoo removal along the laser beam with sending rays of light passing shortwave upper layer of the skin, where the laser energy is directed towards the pigments that are against tattoos then break down the pigment For so can be removed by the body's immune system.

To dikala the pelaseran process, may be able to feel the same is not so comfortable as when workmanship body tattoos. The process of wound care as a result of the laser can also be the same as after the work is finished tattoo. But generally, the budget that was issued for the tattoo removal process is going to be more expensive when compared together when the implementation of the tattoo. Subject is because the process of tattoo removal is the average weight may require many visits to disappear completely.

Although tattoos as well as in the art for decorating the body, but because of its distinguished permanent so you should think carefully before going create body tattoos. And if has steadily refused to create a body tattoo, you should choose a professional tattoo studio with equipment which is safe and hygienic, even though always ask the tattoo artist wear gloves and use a new needle for one to wear while creating a body tattoo.

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