Friday 3 April 2015

Flu opponents together Foods

Flu opponents together Foods

Take an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Apparently, we Dr Rochelle Skin Expert need the exception of apples for free from the risk of disease. The body's immune system is built from a variety of nutrients from food that we eat so that healthy lifestyle. Periods of rain was in the transition period where the flu so easy to attack, it seems we need to prevent them from cough and nasal congestion problems do not interfere with our activities. You know these foods could become a mainstay for warding off cold viruses?

1. Yogurt
Probiotic yogurt that is found on the good bacteria that are able to protect the intestines and digestive tract of disease-causing germs. In research conducted in Austria, the results showed that eating 7 ounces per HRI as effective with the body's immune enhancer supplement drink. What are you waiting for? For delicious yogurt to eat, especially if coupled topping that fresh fruits. Benefits increase body's immune system puh increased many-fold.

2. Garlic
The onion plant family has an active ingredient allicin in it that useful against bacteria and infection. Also as a spice in cooking, I think very lightly for this consuming garlic. But beware when eating foods that have the taste of garlic a powerful, might be the smell of garlic breath.

3. Shellfish
Seafood enthusiasts may love seafood because it could prevent colds. Selenium is found very little not to like bert family oysters, lobsters, crabs, and clams. For body worn Selenium support the white blood cells produce cytokines, is a protein that is able to kick out the flu virus from the body.

4. Chicken Soup
Cold symptoms that respond to the accumulation of cells in the bronchial tubes. Cysteine ​​amino acid that is produced from chicken meat when cooking soup is a cysteine ​​compound which is able to be a healer bronchitis. Similarly chicken soup both for thin the mucus in the throat so that ordinary flu symptoms.

5. Tea
To the black or green, amino acid content, which is L-theanine works prop improve body's immune system. So drink many cups of tea per HRI which are antioxidants in it will fight the flu virus departed from the body.

6. Beef
Beef tajir going zinc where zinc is needed body For white blood cell development. This white blood cell commissioned against a wide variety kinds of invasive infections such as bacteria and viruses. If you did not like beef, you could replace it with other food ingredients on high sources of zinc include oysters, poultry, yogurt, or milk.

7. Mushrooms
From the beginning, people have been eating mushrooms which is a food that could boost the body's immune system. Research shows fungus is able to stimulate the production and performance of white blood cells, the body is going to fight the invasion of a variety of infections. Experts recommend eating mushrooms ¼ to 1 ounce many times a day For bodies found kekbalan benefits.

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